Mirra on location for No Fear, No Favor
Mirra Bank is an award-winning independent director and producer. A selection of her films include: The Only Real Game - Best Documentary at the NY Indian Film Festival, and American Spirit Award at Sedona Intl. Film Festival, on Netflix. Last Dance - short-listed for an Academy Award. Nobody’s Girls - a non-fiction PBS prime-time special. Enormous Changes - premiered at Sundance and Toronto, followed by theatrical release, and distriubtion by ABC Video Enterprises, and BBC-2. Her numerous commissions and production awards include: C.P.B, P.B.S, N.E.A., N.E.H., N.Y. State Council on the Arts, N.Y. Foundation for the Arts, Women in Film, and NY Women in Film and Television, American Film Institute, FORK Films, Foundation for Jewish Culture, The Andrew Sabin Family Foundation, The Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts, American Composers Orchestra, and the Donnet Fund.
Bank’s films have played at festivals worldwide, including Sundance, Toronto, N.Y. Film Festival, BFI/London, Hamptons International Film Festival, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, A.F.I./Silverdocs, Full Frame, Palm Springs, Santa Barbara, Palm Beach, Sarasota, Hawai’i, The Flaherty Seminar, Mumbai, Amsterdam, Verona, Dance on Camera (East and West), and Hamptons DocFest -- among many others.
She is a member of the Academy’s Documentary Branch; a MacDowell Fellow and film panelist; a member of New Day Films; she serves on the Board of Directors of the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures, and on the Advisory Board of the Bronx Documentary Center, and of New York Women in Film and Television, of which she is a past President. She is also a lifetime member of the Actors Studio.